P. 70

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The refuge includes inland and coastal sectors. The SINAC Operational Post is located at the mouth of the Río Colorado. The Barra del Colorado National Wildlife Refuge is located at the mouth of the Río Colorado. Like Tortuguero National Park, it is only accessible by water or air. The expansive delta of the Río Colorado is reminiscent of the Tortuguero canals. Barra del Colorado is visited mainly by sport fishermen, though it is also a good alternative to Tortuguero during the high season, when it often becomes very crowded.
Barra del Colorado has an area of 81,177 hectares on land. It is the second-largest protected wilderness area in the country by land area. It has a very broad vegetation cover that consists mainly of three types of vegetation: forests or wetlands called yolillales, which are dominated by the yolillo palm (Raphia taedigera), gamalotal and flooded forests.
Barra del Colorado National Wildlife Refuge

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