P. 14

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  Photo: Ministry of Culture
Bull riding is a traditional activity is part of an important festive ritual in the traditions of Santa Cruz.
It brings together riders, preparers, wranglers, and more.
Traditional bull riding
 Locación: Plaza de los Mangos in the district of Santa Cruz, canton of Santa Cruz.
More information here
Held between November and July in well-known squares such as the Plaza de los Mangos in the Santa Cruz district and in Tempate, as well as on private farms throughout the canton.
   More information here
Fiestas patronales
Nicoya Center
Declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Nicoya by means of Decree No. 38290-C.
Every year, during November and December, Nicoya celebrates the festivities of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which include different religious, cultural and secular activities. These include the contadera de días (counting of the days), the pica de leña (chopping of firewood), the atolada, the alza de la armada (raising of the arms), the alborada, the procesión de la pasada (Procession of the Passing), the Dressing of the Image of the Virgin, the alba, the elección and the Procession of the Candles.
All these activities are organized by La Cofradía de Nuestra Señorita de Guadalupe, which is the last of the religious congregations of the colonial era, whose primary purpose is to support and maintain all the traditional activities that take place around the festivities of the Virgin of Guadalupe, patron saint of the Nicoyan canton.
Documental parte 1 Documental parte 2
Festival of the Virgin of Guadalupe
Foto: Cristina E. Díaz
  The organization won the 2019 Emilia Prieto Tugores Award for Intangible Cultural Heritage, for its complex organizational structure, which brings together various social actors, age groups and gives importance to the role of women at different levels, in addition to the centuries-long tradition of electing the members of the Cofradía, or Brotherhood.
These festivities involve a centuries-old tradition inherited from the Chorotega ancestors, who recognized the Virgin of Guadalupe, whom they called La Señorita, as their patron saint. This followed the evangelization processes carried out in the Nicoya region, starting with the arrival of the Spaniards in 1522.
The festivities begin on November 1, with the major celebration held annually on December 11 and 12.
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Festivity of Our Lady of Guadalupe Dance of the Yegüita
Alza de la Ramada
Downtown Santa Cruz
La Atolada
         Feast of the Santo Cristo de Esquipulas
  Since the beginning of the 19th
century, a pilgrimage has been
made through the different communities of the canton and a procession of the image to Santa Cruz each year on January 14. A large number of men and women of all ages participate. The participants include mayordomos, caballeros del Santo, indios promesanos, musicians from the philharmonic orchestra, traditional bands and ensembles, masqueraders, clown dancers, gigantonas, saddle-makers, ranch-hands including vaqueteros, lazadores and amarradores, horsemen with traditional implements, ranchers with their best bulls, storytellers, cooks, artisans, helpers and celebrants.
Passing of the Saint of Esquipulas Santo Cristo de Esquipulas
Photo gallery
Ministerio de Cultura

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