P. 30

 Áreas Protegidas
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 February) to 26° C (April to November). There are variations from 2050 mm. a. in the western part at 4500 mm. a. in the East. The monthly distribution reveals that from September to October a decrease in precipitation begins, until finding the dry months in February, March and April. The area is characterized by high cloudiness, regardless of precipitation, and high relative humidity, with monthly averages from 80% in February to 91% in August.
Regarding wind patterns, the direction is constant (measured at 1000 m above sea level), prevailing for most of the year, those that blow from the east and northeast. Speeds may exceed 50 km/hour during extraordinary events such as hurricanes and storms.
The fauna of the ACAHN also reflects the transitional effect of the tropical and neoarctic zones, although the transition pattern is complex. The fauna is typical neotropical fauna in the case of most vertebrates, except for reptiles. Among mammals we have species from 24 families from the south (including marsupials, armadillos, sloths) and 19 families from the north (including deer, coyote, and wild rabbits)
There are freshwater fish, that are more tropical than temperate, and a very particular species,
the tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus); it has a body covered with huge strong scales and an elongated mouth in the shape of a snout armed with a large number of fine teeth. It is of great evolutionary interest, since most of its relatives ceased to exist several million years ago, and for this reason it is often called a living fossil.
There are typical representatives of the southern fauna, among the amphibian families, such as cecyllids, leptodactylids, brevicipitids and hylacids. Reptiles have a balance from both faunal regions, where the crocodile, caiman, and the ulima turtle, are noted.
Birds include examples of typically transitional, migrant, and temperate zone species. The diversity of bird species is particularly interesting in wetland ecosystems. Among the most representative birds are several families of waterfowl such as the anhinga, the Neotropic Cormorant, herons such as the roseate spoonbill, jacanas, doves, the quetzal of the cloud forests of the Juan Castro Blanco National Park, as well as woodpeckers and numerous families of small birds, such as songbirds and flycatchers. Birds of prey are also well represented through the eagle and hawk families, with the osprey, as well as vultures.

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