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CST Tourism Sustainability

Sustainable tourism development must be seen as the balanced intention to use appropriately our natural and cultural resources, to improve the quality of life of local communities and to obtain economic success in the activity, which will also contribute to the national development. Tourism sustainability is not only the answer to the demand, but also an essential condition to successfully compete now, and in the future. (Definition of Tourism Sustainability, CST 1997)

Sustainability, as a model for development, suggests the need to satisfy society's current requirements, without compromising the right of future generations to satisfy theirs. This means that the development of the country cannot be based on the excessive exploitation of the resources (natural, cultural, social, etc.) to cover the lacks of the population (food, housing, health, employment...) because these resources are the only ones future generations of this country have to satisfy their own needs.

Certification for Sustainable Tourism

The main purpose of the CST is to turn the concept of sustainability into something real, practical, and necessary in the context of tourism competitiveness in the country, trying to improve the way in which natural and social resources are used, promote an active participation of local communities, and provide a new support for the competitiveness of the entrepreneurial sector.

¿What is 100% responsible tourism?

The kind of tourism the country needs to be an example in Central America and continue being one for many years.

Tourism with effective operations that promote savings and efficient use of natural resources in the country.

Tourism that commits to the community and its needs, searching for an environmental solution.

The certification every tourism company should have to perform actions to preserve nature.

CST promotes actions that benefit us and help the country.

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East side of the Juan Pablo II bridge, La Uruca, San Jose.
Tel.: (506) 2299 5876. Fax: (506) 2220-35-59

P.O. Box: 777-1000 San José, Costa Rica