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Ecologic Blue Flag Program

Bandera Azul, Categoría Playas

The Ecologic Blue Flag Program was born as the answer to strengthen public health and tourist activities, today it has ten categories and it is administered by several institutions from the public sector and private company organizations.

It is an annual award.

Ecologic Blue Flag Program Categories:



Neutral Weather

Education Centers

Community Health

Micro Drainage Basin

Sustainable Homes

Special Events

Protected Natural Spaces

Against Climate Change



The Ecologic Blue Flag Program is an inter-institutional effort, made official by Executive Decrees No. 25636-MINAE-S (1996) –not valid-, No. 27010-MINAE-S (1998) –not valid-, No. 31648-MEP-MINAE-S-TUR (2004), No. 31610-S-MINAE-TUR (2004), No. 31978-MEP-MINAE-S-TUR (2004), No. 33604-MINAE (2007), No. 34548-MINAE (2008), No. 34777-MINAET-S-MEP (2008), No. 35162-MINAET(2009) and in 2012  the EXECUTIVE DECREE No. 36481-MINAET-S unites the following Decrees No. 31648-MEP-MINAE-S-TUR (Category: Education Centers) from 2004, No. 31610-S-MINAE-TUR from 2004 (Category: Communities and Category: Beaches), No. 31978-MEP-MINAE-S-TUR (PBAE Declaration of Public Interest) from 2004, No. 33604-MINAE (Category: Protected Natural Spaces) from 2007, No. 34548-MINAE (Category: Climate Change) from 2008, No. 34777-MINAET-S-MEP (Category: Micro Drainage Basin) from 2008 y No. 35162-MINAET (Category: Neutral Weather Community) from 2009; as well as the category of Community Health Promotion, created by the present regulation.

The last decree No. 36481-MINAET-S (2011), has the participation of the Costa Rica Tourism Board (ICT), Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), Ministry of Health, Costa Rica Water and Sanitation Institute (AYA), National Chamber of Tourism, Ministry of Public Educations (MEP), Costa Rican Network of Private Reservoirs, Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE), Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) and the Costa Rican Department of Social Insurance (CCSS). Aside from being a program that joins efforts from the institutions involved, it also allows the participation of the citizens, since a Pro-BAE Committee is requested to participate.

Beach Category

In the case of the Ecologic Blue Flag Program for the beach category, its final qualification can reach five stars if they carry out efforts in other aspects that have been considered to accomplish a comprehensive development within the suggested focus.

The Costa Rica Tourism Board, as a part of the proposals for the BAE Program that begins with Beaches, and as a governing member of the category, defines within the actions of the Program the designation of technical staff and economic resources to support the initiative and assume what corresponds to field work to verify the COMMITEES comply with the actions promoted in the program.